Reiki & Restorative Yoga is a deep and restful yoga practice. Sandy and Lisa will be co-leading this 75 minute experience to include reiki, restorative poses, oils and beautiful healing music.
Reiki is an energy healing modality, where the practitioner channels energy into the receiver by means of touch or no touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the body and restore physical and emotional well-being.
You will be guided through very gentle and supported yoga postures utilizing props provided, receive meditative guidance to deepen your experience of presence and self inquiry, while carefully and intentionally offering Reiki energy.
Reiki & Restorative is available for everyone, we will simply create the space and intention to let this energy flow and guide you through relaxing poses for the benefit of all. No experience with reiki or yoga necessary.
Investment: $40 per session. Feel free to bring layered clothing, any blankets and pillows you' d like to include for your support. We will have blocks, mats and blankets available.
If you plan to attend all 3, the dates are as follows:
February 20th @ 6:15pm
March 20th @ 6:15pm
April 10th @ 6:15pm